DIY No Sew Indian Costume- Part 2


Better late than never, right?! I started this two part post back in November around Thanksgiving and well…things got crazy and I actually forgot that I never finished it. Until…this morning. So here we go!

This costume was relatively easy, I promise. My oldest had a Thanksgiving day feast in November and the classroom was divided into Pilgrims and Indians. My girl needed an Indian costume quick!

I really didn’t want to buy yet another costume and I had this giant bag of beads leftover from a previous project. I had to make it work somehow. So off to Pinterest I went. This post from Playdates & Pearls caught my eye and it gave me the inspiration to go ahead confidently and make one.

In my last post, I showed how I dyed, washed and dried the shirt.

After the shirt dried, I cut the long sleeves off to make a short sleeve shirt. I purposely bought long sleeves because I will use the cut parts for the costume.



Then I cut the bottom hem of the shirt completely off and saved it to use later as well.



I cut fringes all around both short sleeves. They were about 1/2 inch wide and 3 inches long. I needed to make sure there was enough room for beads and to tie a knot after the fringe was beaded.


Then I cut the same size fringes all along the bottom of the shirt.


I had the girls help do all the bead work. Some of the fringes were a little thick. I had to snip the end to form a point so the girls were able to bead it. My 3 year old probably did about 4 beads total and then she was done. She was more interested in goofing off with her little sister. My 5 year old LOVED beading! She’s very detailed oriented and has great dexterity…future dental hygienist?? 😉

I cut the long sleeves so that I had about 4-5 inches of fabric past the cuff. I was originally thinking that my daughter could wear these on her wrists but then thought it would look cuter (and stay on longer) if she wore them on her legs. Thank you for the idea, Samantha!



And here’s the final picture! I used the bottom hem that I cut off to tie around my daughter’s waist as a belt. We also made a headband out of the foam and stapled the feathers on the back which she actually wore all day at school! The necklace was her idea and she thought it would look “fashionable” if a feather was added.

I did all the fabric dyeing and cutting and she did all the beading. I had to tie the knots for her after the beads were on. This an inexpensive and relatively easy craft to do WITH your child for Halloween, a school party or just for some good old fashioned fun!

I hope you enjoyed my project with my girl! Now go get crafty with your kids and make sure to send me a picture so I can see what you’re up to!



And here’s the breakdown of the cost for this costume:12573935_10206034111547998_8594811136944350054_n

Lasagna Soup? What?!

A few weeks ago, my sister told me that she made Lasagna Soup. I was like, lasagna soup?? What?!? How in the world can lasagna be made into soup?! She went on and on about how much the WHOLE family loved it…even the kids. Well, once she said the kids loved it I knew I had to give it a try.


Skinnytaste‘s recipes are absolutely, without a doubt, DELICIOUS! So much so, that I even bought her cookbook last year! I should have bought some kind of protector for it to keep it clean from all my cooking though…


I’m not usually looking to reduce calories so I always find myself making the dishes “un-skinny”. With this one, I used regular sausage and most definitely added more cheese.

The girls didn’t try it because I ended up feeding them before it was done. I had a MNO to go to and I wasn’t feeling up to having them try something new. That takes a whole lot of energy…and time. Both of which I was lacking that night.

Next time, I will have them help me prepare and eat this meal. I just know they will LOVE breaking the lasagna noodles as much as I did. It was a great stress reliever!

Happy Cooking!!

Katie 🙂

The Truth Hurts

Today was a hard day. I can’t even pin point a specific event or a list of specific events that made the day end the way it did. All I know is that there was a constant power struggle between me and my oldest daughter from the moment she woke up until bath time.

It was 645pm and I was feeling thankful that this day was coming to an end and then, out of nowhere, I was sucker punched!! As I was getting the girls out of the tub, my 4 year old stood up, squinted her eyes and informed me that she was going to get a new house with a better mom. Wait…what did I just hear?!

OUCH! That stung.

Actually, it ripped my heart in two. I bit my lower lip and with all my might, held back the tears that were ready to flow like Niagara Falls.

Then in the next breath, she started babbling away like nothing ever happened. I looked at her, asked her to be quiet and tried to process what I heard.

I had the husband finish getting them ready. I just couldn’t be in the same room with her. Deep down, I knew she didn’t really know what she said or how hurtful it was but I couldn’t hide the sadness in my face or the pain in my heart.

When we said our prayers before bed, my husband added a few extra. He thanked God for all of Mommy’s hard work for the family and how she always does everything to keep the family together. My baby girl chimed right in and added…”and for all the food she cooks us!”

I squeezed my eyes shut even harder for fear if I opened them the least bit, the water works would be in full effect.

After a glass of wine (or two), I was finally able to talk about it and figure out what’s going on. Could it be possible she’s feeling the stresses we are with all the buying and selling of the houses? Does she need some one-on-one time with her momma? Okay, maybe I need some one-on-one time with my baby.

My plan is to take her out for cupcakes at her favorite lil’ bakery and then do a little shopping on Friday while her sisters and probably her daddy nap.

I firmly believe everything happens for a reason and this is no exception.

Maybe this needed to happen. Maybe it was the only way I could see that she needs me. That she is only 4. Maybe she’s right. She does need a “new” mom. One who will stop multitasking and make the time to be with her…to really be with her.

Whatever the reason, it has opened my eyes and my heart. And on the Eve of Thanksgiving, I sit here feeling blessed and grateful to have learned yet another valuable lesson in parenting firsthand…kids really do speak the truth.

Beautiful the mess I am…
Love & Prayers,

(Photo from Pinterest